event : Page Load
الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2022
how to expand navigation menu by default in oracle APEX
event : Page Load
الاثنين، 13 ديسمبر 2021
Create an APEX Application Using RESTful service
Create an APEX Application Using RESTful service
In this section, you will create a simple application using the Application Builder component of APEX to display the employees in the emps table.
Click the Oracle logo to go to the APEX home page, then click App Builder
Create a simple application with home page. Click Create, Create a New App
Create the EMP DISPLAY application.
Add the name: EMP DISPLAY, accept all other default values and click Create application.
Choose Shared Components > REST Data Sources
Add the name and URL for your empall module created earlier, click next
For authentication select No, click Discover
Choose Classic Report.
Deleting Data Using RESTful Service
Deleting Data Using RESTful Service
الخميس، 9 ديسمبر 2021
Updating Data Using RESTful Service
Updating Data Using RESTful Service
In this section, you will create a RESTful Service to update data using the HTTP Method PUT.
You will use the postman tool to test your RESTful Service,
and to verify the results
Specify the PUT Method and Source Type as PL/SQL.
Provide the Source Code for the PL/SQL
Inserting Data Using RESTful Service
Inserting Data Using RESTful Service
you will create a RESTful Service to insert data using the HTTP Method POST.
You will use the postman tool to test your RESTful Service and to verify the results.
In the empall Template, create a new POST Handler.
In the postman tool to test the POST request, we have to set the Content-type to application/json.
Click the Headers tab under the URL bar.
Under the heading KEY, enter Content-Type, and for VALUE enter application/json.
Check the new inserted record informationby using the GET handler created in the previous section, adding 124 to the end of the URL.
Creating Restful Web Service to Retrieving Data Using a Parameter
Retrieving Data Using a Parameter
Perform the following steps to create a RESTful Service which retrieves the employee information based on a parameter id using the HTTP Method GET.
In the EMP_TEST module, create a new Template emp/:empid following the steps shown in the previous section.
Add the Source code for the GET Handler.
Creating the first Restful Web Service [ will retrieve all records in the emp table ]
Creating the first Restful Web Service
The first Restful Web service will retrieve all records in the emp table.
Click Create Module button.
Provide the Module Name oa_test, and the Base Path /EMP_TEST/.
Using RESTful Web Services in Oracle Application Express(APEX) 2 [ Register Schema with ORDS From Sql Developer]
Register Schema with ORDS From Sql Developer
Open sql developer and open connection for your schema
your Sceham not registerd for ORDS Yet
Right Click on your connection > Rest Service > Enable Rest Service
Click Enable Rest Service
choose Your schema alias
Press NEXT
Press Finish
we will find that our schema is register with ORDS
We can Use the Code Direct in SQL Developer
الأربعاء، 8 ديسمبر 2021
Using RESTful Web Services in Oracle Application Express(APEX) 2 [ Register Schema with ORDS From APEX ]
On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop.
click Register Schema with ORDS
ORDS Schema Attributes dialog (Note: your schema name will be different).
Click Save Schema Attributes.
Using RESTful Web Services in Oracle Application Express(APEX) 1 [ Verify the emp table ]
Verify the emp table
If the EMP table does not exist, create the EMP table and data manually.
Choose SQL Commands.
Using RESTful Web Services in Oracle Application Express(APEX) Intro
Using RESTful Web Services in Oracle Application Express(APEX) Intro
We will covers creating a RESTful Web Service declaratively using Oracle Application Express's SQL Workshop tool to connect to a database table, and then consuming this service by creating an application and adding a Web Service reference to the RESTful Web Service.
A client java program is then created and executed that will consume the RESTful Web Service to return data stored in an APEX database table to the java application.
Web Services enable applications to interact with one another over the web in a platform-neutral, language independent environment.
In a typical Web Services scenario, a business application sends a request to a service at a given URL by using the HTTP protocol.
The service receives the request, processes it, and returns a response.
Once you have defined a RESTful Web Service, you can call it with a unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
The Web Service uses the URI to call methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
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